WRITE OUT THE YEAR: Online generative writing workshop with Marty McConnell
Every Monday in December
Donation-based, 6-7 p.m. central
Explore new writing techniques, tread new imaginative territory, and connect with like-minded and differently-minded writers!
Write Out the Year is for you whether you're a seasoned writer or brand new to the craft. While the sessions are centered on poetry, the writing prompt is designed to fit any style or genre of writing and launch you into the writing process -- whether that produces a poem, an essay, a story, or an undiscovered form is between you and the page!
We start with discussion of a published poem to get our minds awakened and creative juices juicing, then move into a guided exploratory writing prompt. To get a sense of what these prompts are like, pop on over to this link and scroll to the bottom of the page where a whole packet of them lives. For more information about me, your facilitator, check out www.martyoutloud.com.
The workshops are completed donation-based; suggested minimum contribution is $10 , but you can pay as little as $1 to register. Truly do not let cost be the barrier, email martyoutloud@gmail.com to skip paying entirely. 10% of all proceeds will go to our organizational partner, the Chicago Poetry Center.
Questions? Curiosities? Interested in setting up one-on-one coaching or a different group writing workshop instead? Email booking@martyoutloud.com and we'll chat about it.
Register via the links below!
December 23 <— cancelled due to low registration and the need for last-minute gift-wrapping time
December 30 <— let’s do it!!! Register today!